Ravenloft 3.5 pdf
Ravenloft 3.5 pdf

Sub-Plots and other Challenges Ashlyn, Paladin of Pelor, has risen in the defense of Barovia during the zombie plague. It is against them that he will measure the efficacy of his tools and it is through them that his plan may finally be set into motion. They are watched closely by his spies as they move to end his plague.

ravenloft 3.5 pdf

Now, the mists part and a small band of outsiders are allowed entry into Strahd's domain. Her father, the Burgomaster, is slain for his part in that and the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind has been removed from the mansion. Danovich is dealt with but Ireena Kolyana, so reminiscent of his long-lost bride, still refuses his advances. While his necromantic infection spreads and threatens to consume the village of Barovia, Strahd moves to secure what is most precious to him and to eliminate any potential threats to his plan. He ressurects his son as a Blaspheme, a plague bearer and plague eater. Mad with grief, the priest has corrupted by the vile volume. Strahd has arranged for an evil tome to be discovered by the priest.

ravenloft 3.5 pdf

In the village of Barovia, the son of Priest Danovich has been slain by bandits. In his growing desperation to escape, the vampire lord turns on the population of Barovia in a mad scheme. Chapter 1: The Undead Plague A prisoner within his domain, Strahd taints everything he touches. Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Adapted for use with the 13 th Age RPG from the 3 rd edition D&D adventure designed by Bruce Cordell and James Wyatt.

Ravenloft 3.5 pdf