Small tweaks, quality of life changes, and massive overhaul projects that can make our favorite games feel brand new there are so many amazing passion projects out there to uncover. This is a very short story that involves taking your sister on a date which along the way you tell the game what she looks like and then at the end you have sex with her.As part of Mod Vertical, I love highlighting a variety of different experiences. The only thing you can save in this game that I found in this game is the costumes you make for your sister to wear in endless sex mode otherwise it’s meant to be played in one sitting each time. Really good game, but don’t expect a story, a nukige through and through, but go through the “story mode” first if incest is unsettling. I especially like how the girl calls me “Onii-chan.” I’m can’t figure out how to change the girl’s name so I can use the name of whoever I decide to dress her up as, but oh well. Another interesting thing is the unusual locations you can have sex in, like a prison cell (WTF?!), a park (in the middle of the day, no less), a forest (a really thick one), a beach at sunset (romantic as hell) and, my personal favorite, an office building (loli in a business suit, so kawaii!). This game also pays attention to details, such as giving the Miku set green-and-white-striped panties (like Miku canonically wears). I know I have the.NET Framework installed, have had it for a while for other things. (not much changed, using.NET 2.0 which should fix some issues, where FrontEnd locks up sometimes for a sec) and corrected/reuploaded some links. Now menu for the Filelist is avaiable, with the option to install/delete/overwrite single files from a mod w/o being forced to install/repair the whole mod (so it allows to mix some mods if necessary) v1.0.10: Added Pack 10 and Pack 11 v1.0.11: Added PL2Loader and option to start the loader from the Frontend v1.1.0: Added v0.4.6. V1.0.5: Updated Requirements, so it reflects that most of the Mods need PL2 v1.1 v1.0.6: Added Links to Polygon Love v1.1 Patch + English translation (by bunnygirl) v1.0.7: Added some new Maps/Rooms for PL2, for the people who have Problems Accessing the Modpage ^^ v1.0.8: Added some more links (Too the rapidshare folder and a collection of all mods from for everyone, who dont live in Japan and can't use Japanese Anon Proxies v1.0.9: Updated the Frontend.
V1.0.2: Requirements &.NET Framework link added v1.0.3: Fixed an exception, which occured when add-ons materials folder was non-existent v1.0.4: Added an Button to start PL2 without tabing as well an Option which allows it to be started in window mode. History list: v1.0: initial post v1.0.1: PL2FrontEnd.exe has to be placed in PL2 Folder to make it work correct.