The justification: peer review, the process by which new discoveries are evaluated in relationship to the currently held paradigm. Many who made important new discoveries have been unable to obtain research grants, get their articles published, or receive academic promotion. We now appropriately view the actions of the Church as totally unscientific, although similar behaviour persists in the conventional scientific establishment when confronted with new data or concepts. Radionic practitioners recognise that all life is made up of vital and subtle energies which can be affected by the everyday traumas such as accidents, shock, environmental and emotional stresses. Scientific politics and judgments are always problematic, but Galileo’s case shows that when religion enters into an argument, things can become even more complicated. Radionics is a method of energy based distant healing which has the potential to support anyone no matter where they might be in the world. Seduce women/men at distance, control the behaviour of people ,influence your boss for a promotion. More than 350 years later, in 1992, Pope John Paul II declared that the seventeenth century denunciation of Galileo was an error. This special offer is a pack that contains all the software of Tifareth at a very special price only for very limited time. Tele Hypnosis Pro is an advanced radionics program based in radionics and the western esoteric tradition. The cardinals refused to look into Galileo’s telescope because dogma had it that the moon’s surface had to be perfect. In this context, recall that in 1633 Galileo was condemned by the Church for supporting the notion that the Earth revolves around the sun, counter to Church teachings at the time.